The information on this page has been set up to provide information on heath and fitness.
Recently, quite a few players have been spending sleepless nights either working or studying. While some have been unable to wake up to attend the sessions for various reasons such as 'not hearing the alarm go off' or 'the mobile going dead', a couple have actually come to the ground after sleeping for only a couple of hours or so.
While their dedication and commitment to attending the sessions is commendable, their health is definitely taking a hit.
Fake Dr. Khare explains -
The body needs rest and especially sleep. Recovery takes place when the body is at rest. When a person is awake the entire day and then at night gets less than 5 hours sleep at least, he/she will not be alert enough at the session. This means he will be performing at below average, which means there is virtually no chance of improving his current level at the session. As his attentiveness is poor he will not only be frustrating himself, but he will be frustrating others. F.Dr.K. has even asked the players to ensure their diet is high on protein and to even bring some protein to the ground. He has even asked the players to do some S and C workout at home (as shown in the sheet) to ensure that they remain healthy and capable of coping up with sleepless nights if they have to adjust for a session or two. The problem is that most of the players have shown a lack of dedication towards protein intake, diet and S and C. An additional point is that the KFANDRA sessions are extremely tough and it will be difficult for the body to recover if the body is weak. This is why FDrK has asked the players to inform Khare Sensei of their absence if not getting enough sleep for at least 2 nights in a row before a session.
FDrK has also made proteins compulsory for every player after a session. The players can bring anything from a few almonds, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios and other nuts. They can also bring a min of one boiled egg.
Players that fail to bring protein will be punished with 20 press ups and 20 squats before leaving.
Look at the skeletons in the image and rest assured that they must be super happy that they don't suffer from chafing.
What is chafing?
Chafing is actually a common injury and occurs when skin rubs against skin or cloth rubs against skin. Constant rubbing on the injured area can be insanely irritating and debilitating. Usually, it's the inner thighs that cause the most angst and as the inside of the thighs are connected to our most private area, this problem isn't often spoken about. Usually, it's the people with excess weight or those that have lost a lot of weight and have lose skin which face this problem.
I'm offering my help to those out there that are suffering and are at wit's end wondering what to do about the inflamed and sensitive area. I've had first hand or first skin experience with chafing and after months of research I've come to the following conclusions.
I'll go through the steps to take or the methods that can be used to alleviate the chafing first and then eliminate it altogether.
1. Oils and lotions - Oils such as coconut oil and petroleum jelly can be applied to soothe the burning skin. It can be used to prevent chafing, but it does get yucky and is messy.
2. Talcum powder - the powder can be used before chafing, but excess sweat can clump up the powder and the area can become even more prone to chafing.
3. Removal of hair - removing hair from the area that is affected can also help.
4 - Bands/compression tights and underwear - the method that works best is the simplest and isn't costly. In males, their 'package' causes an additional problem when the area affected is the inside of the thigh. What must be first done is to ensure that the package is parked safely out of the way. This can be done by purchasing cotton frenchies/cotton tight underwear (basically undies without the leg parts), to be used during athletic activity. During the day, you can use compression underwear (with the length of the leg going to the mid-thigh area). This ensures that your thighs don't rub against each other. You can also purchase knee caps that can be pulled on to your thighs to cover the area that is affected.
I hope I've helped! If you need more advice just send an email to me and I'll get back to you.
- Fake Dr. Khare
Allergies are actually common and often ignored. And in today's age, where AC's, deodorants, smoke of all kinds, pollution and many more substances are extremely prevalent, allergies can arise suddenly.
Some people have allergy problems they were born with and some get allergy problems after birth.
Let me explain quickly how your body gets affected.
Histamine is a chemical your body produces to get rid of the allergens that are troubling you. Hence your eyes water or you start sneezing and sometimes you start developing rashes amongst other reactions.
My advice to all of you out there who suffer allergies, and also to those of you that have had Covid 19 or catch cold easily, please avoid the following foods as they trigger the body into creating more Histamine. The order I've written them down is not as per how quickly they affect the body. They can vary from person to person.
1. Most of all nuts (such as peanuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios etc).
2. Fermented foods (Kimchi, soya sauce etc).
3. Canned foods
4. Vinegar
5. Alcohol
6. Citrus fruits
7. Milk and milk products
In the end, if you keep a log of what you eat and drink, you'll know soon enough if your body is creating extra mucous or you've suddenly developed a rash somewhere.
Take care of yourselves!
- Fake Dr. Khare
The fruit that conquers all fruits in terms of health benefits is the humble pomegranate.
Whatever ailment you can think of, the pomegranate is the go-to fruit! If you want to stay healthy, go for the pomegranate!
It's the fruit I'm eating everyday! - Fake Dr. Khare
Staying fit and healthy isn't easy at all. This is what you must understand before getting the bright idea one day, to get fit. Once you understand that fitness and strength building isn't something you can take lightly, then you're well on your way to becoming a healthy human being.
All you need to remember is that building up your fitness levels in both stamina and strength requires commitment.
Let me give you an example.
Human beings came into this world the hard way. Humans were hunter gatherers and had to work hard to eat. Naturally, in those days, humans didn't live too long. The reason being is that life was still hard, illnesses were rampant and humans were also prey. Humans in those initial times though, were fit as nails, if they could get enough protein and veg.
In today's world, life's become easy. Most humans no longer have to hunt or till the land. Only the poor farmers do and I can tell you farming is tough. But that's another story. Most humans are now fat and lazy, or thin and lazy.
Excuses are easy to give, such as work stress, family stress and so on.
But let me ask you, who can't spare 20 mins to work out?
I can promise you that 20 mins working out and 5 mins of stretching, everyday, will make you wonder why you haven't been working out before. And that's just the minimum, you can workout for much longer than that if you want to.
The health benefits are phenomenal!
Remember, short quick bursts is the secret to success!
If you want to experience a good exercise routine, join KFANDRAAI! - Fake Dr. Khare
Fake Dr. Khare advises its players to eat Soya whenever they're short on proteins. Unbeknownst to most is that Soya packs a whole lot of protein in a small amount.
Those with a good set of teeth can chew on Soya chunks or cook it in a dal.
Soya does contain a lot of Estrogen, but scientists have determined that you'll need to eat more that 20 to 25 grams of Soya a day for the Estrogen to affect your body.
Coffee is a drug!
Fake Dr. Khare has appealed to KFANDRAAI to put a curb on players drinking coffee. While some of the old folk have habituated themselves to having a cuppa or two everyday, the younger lot also seem to be addicted to the often drunk beverage.
The latest research has proved that coffee, especially strong or black coffee, is as addictive as banned substances such as cocaine. Coffee is known to affect your well being, your behaviour and your general conduct. It's hits the brain in such a way, that you don't even realize you're being affected until you stop drinking it. Withdrawal symptoms from coffee range from depression, anger, lethargy and so on.
KFANDRAAI is currently looking into the matter.
Fake Dr. Khare says that Apple Cider Vinegar has a lot of health benefits. As long as you aren't allergic to it, ACV can cure anything if taken carefully.
For more on this, contact Fake Dr. Khare asap.
Fake Dr. Khare advises its players to start taking sea salt instead of the normal salt being sold in the market.
While the cost of what is commonly known as iodized salt is indeed cheaper, the benefits of eating sea salt by far exceeds the common table salt variety.
Commonly called pink salt, this salt is created by evaporating the water, which means that the salt remains unprocessed. Pink salt is also tastier.
Please note though, that although sea salt is healthier, and is definitely a better bet than normal salt, you must still it salt in moderation.
Protect your plantar!
Scientific explanation by FDrK of why takkies are important -
Early morn the body has just woken up and is in a relaxed state. The biggest advantage for the KFANDRA members above Astro-Turf and hard ground enthusiasts/or players that have no other choice, is the grass ground. The soft ground and sometimes firm but not hard ground including the grass, allows the players feet/soles/plantar more of a chance to warm up.
This effect is increased when wearing takkies/running shoes because the hard sole with studs/cleats/blades halves the advantage of playing on a wonderful surface. Later on, when the intensive workout/session begins, studs are a must as they afford a proper grip on the surface to stop a player from slipping and sliding. Studs are manufactured with a tough outer leather or leather type material to avoid pain from kicking the ball and to avoid injuries when an opponent steps on the players foot. Thus, because boots/studs have not been manufactured with 'comfort' as the priority, it's safer to wear a pair of takkies during warm up.
Fake Dr. Khare advises its players to re-think the old adage, that vegetable oil is good for you.
Did you know that vegetable oil is considered as 3rd on the list of things that can likely kill you? The 1st being 'heavy' smoking and the 2nd being sugar. These facts have been taken from research documents that 'real doctors and scientists' have analyzed.
Through this analysis, the conclusions were, that substitutes for vegetable oil can be butter which has been procured from grass fed cows, ghee (clarified butter), olive oil and coconut oil.
While some of the vitamins in butter are lost when heated, the other three still retain their potential whether heated or not.
FDrK asks, 'how many of you know which oil you use for cooking? When you go out for a bite to eat, d'you know which oil is being used to cook your food? D'you know how many times the same oil is being used again and again?
The cheaper the oil is, the less healthy it is!'
Obviously, switching may be too costly, therefore, at least try switching to the more healthy oils or ghee on alternate days.
Something, is always better than nothing!
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